Principal Investigators

Michael Strano - MIT
Carbon P. Dubbs Professor of Chemical EngineeringResearch: Nanotechnology, Sensors & Plant Nanobionics

Chua Nam Hai - Singapore
Deputy Chairman, Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory
Admin & Management

Dr. Gajendra Pratap Singh
Scientific Director & PI Project: Raman spectroscopy of plants

Dr. Farzad Olfat
Director for Research Facilities (AMR & DiSTAP IRGs in SMART)

Dr. Min Hao Wong
Deputy Scientific Director (DiSTAP)
MIT Faculty

Benedetto Marelli
Assistant Professor, MIT Civil and Environmental EngineeringResearch: bio-inspired materials, self-assembly, mechanical and optical properties, 3D printing, and emerging technologies

Rajeev Ram
Professor of Electrical Engineering & EECS Former Program Director,
Temasek Lab

In-Cheol Jang
Principal Investigator Research: Use DiSTAP sensors to characterize hormonal changes in shade avoidance syndrome and its application for high density urban farming

Bong Soo Park
Research Investigator Research : improved nutrition use efficiency in plant and diagnosis of plant nutrient deficiency by Raman spectroscopy

Rajani Sarojam
Principal InvestigatorResearch: Use DiSTAP Sensors to Monitor Neighboring Plant Hormone Response to Release of Aromatic Plant Volatiles and its application in urban farming for integrated disease management

Daisuke Urano
Principal Investigator Research: Plant diagnosis with DiSTAP phytohormone sensors

Dr. Tedrick Thomas Salim Lew

Giovanni Volpe
Professor, University of Gothenburg, SwedenDiSTAP PI & Computational Thrust Leader

Dr. Mervin Ang Chunyi
Principal Research Scientist & Associate Scientific DirectorProject: developing novel alternating π-conjugated- amphiphilic A-B co-polymers adsorbed onto single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT)

Suh In Loh
Principal Laboratory Technologist Project: Maintaining plant strains, production of SWCNT nanoparticles as sensor precursors

Dr. Khong Duc Thinh
Research ScientistProject: developing novel alternating π-conjugated- amphiphilic A-B co-polymers adsorbed onto single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT)

Dr. Yangyang Han
Postdoctoral Associate

Raju Cheerlavancha
Senior Postdoctoral Associate
Dr. Song Wang
Research Scientist
Dr. Ekta Jain
Postdoctoral Associate
Dr. Praveen Kumar Jayapal
Postdoctoral Associate
Dr. Anoop Chidambar Patil
Senior Postdoctoral Associate
Dr. Nur Syafiqah Binte Mazlan
Postdoctoral Associate
Mr. Muhammad Sayyid Aly Bin Hadja Mohaideen
Senior Research Engineer)
Ms. Ganga Sravanthi Cheerlavancha
Research Engineer
Ms. Amanda Si Yi Ngoh
Research Engineer

Kemberly Kay Xuan En
Final Year Student, NUSProject: Raman spectroscopy of Jades for forensic science applications

Grace Cheng En Hui
Final Year Student, NUSProject: Raman spectroscopy of paints for forensic science applications

Hong Liang
PhD Student, NUSProject: Constructing ethanol utilization pathway (EUP) in Escherichia coli

Yurou Liu
PhD Student, NUSProject: Using biopolymer to improve microbial production of hydrophobic compounds